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Sign upDear Readers, The beginning of a new year is a bit like the start of a new novel- you’re not quite sure how things are going to go. That is certainly true for my life and my art! We had a rather dramatic time over the New Year with stray kittens to catch from under our house, plus our eldest son had to have brain surgery. The kitten capture mostly went to plan but unfortunately the mother had to be euthanised because she was only tame for me and we couldn’t risk having her scratch the dogs or the grandkids. But I took comfort that she had a short but nice life with us and her kittens are now safe and going to good homes.… ...[ full story ]
Dear Readers, It’s that time of year again! I want to take this opportunity to thank all my lovely readers… [ full story ]
Dear Readers, How can it possibly be November already? I’m happy to say I’m now working on Book two of… [ full story ]
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