News & Updates

  • Backfrom Melbourne

    Hi everyone,I had trouble postintg last week as I was rushing off to Melbourne for the week. I have been frantically busy squeezing in appointments and writing and my son’s last race on Phillip Island. He is considering a career change as he is concerned about the cost and so on. I am concerned about …[ read more ]

  • Away again!

    Hi everyone,Well I’m off again, this time to Melbourne. I have a couple of appointments as well as my son’s last race for the season on Phillip Island this weekend. My next Presents is set in Melbourne so it will be good to do some novel research, although I know the city pretty well as …[ read more ]

  • Back from Sydney

    Hi all,I missed posting a blog last week as I flew to Sydney to stay with my oldest son and hit the ground running. I did the usual mum thing such as cleaning the flat for SIX hours! Once that was done it was time to shop and swim which I did every day. The …[ read more ]

  • Back from the Outback!

    Hi there everyone,Well I am back from my trip to Roma in Queensland where the weather was hot and dry each day. Like a great deal of other parts of Australia they are enduring a horrendous drought so it was quite heartbreaking to talk to cattle farmers who are using their life savings to feed …[ read more ]

  • Off to Outback Queensland

    Hi everyone,I am off to outback Queensland this week so some time in the future expect to see a medical romance set in Roma. My husband is lecturing at a trauma course so I get to go along and do research. It’s a great chance to see parts of the country I haven’t seen before. …[ read more ]