I almost forgot
Hi gang,I have been on such a writing jag I almost forgot to blog. I am now off crutches which is a huge relief. It is no fun not being able to carry a cup of tea from one room to the next. I really don’t know how people manage to be on them for …[ read more ]
Hopping about
Hi everyone,I am back home now on crutches and hopping about. I have borrowed an elderly friend’s zimmmer frame would you believe and it’s fab for getting around! Much easier than wobbly old crutches and I can hang things off it as well. The surgery went well, the bone graft spot is actually more painful …[ read more ]
Third time lucky!
Hi everyone,Well this is the week. On Thursday if all goes to plan I will be having my third lot of foot surgery. I am so keen to get it over and done with now as I have had a lot of pain recently. It’s funny but as soon as I say the CT scan …[ read more ]
Life’s hurdles
Hi folks,I have told you previously that I have to have more foot surgery next week and I am mentally preparing myself for the long rehab. It has got me thinking about how hard it is for those who have had car accidents and have months and months of rehab and physio. Courage is such …[ read more ]
Off to the beach
Hi everyone,Now wouldn’t you know it, just now that we have finally got a week to go to the beach house the weather has turned cool. I have been glued to my chair for two weeks sorting out some tough revisions while the sun has been blazing and now it’s cloudy! Anyway, I really don’t …[ read more ]