Three chapters down
Hello to everyone,Once I am on a roll there’s no stopping me, I’m afraid. I am straight into another book, this time a linked one so it’s fun playing around with characters and setting the scene and so on. I think creativity comes in waves which is why I work as hard as I can …[ read more ]
Hi everyone,I am finished the book! It took me longer than I wanted it to but that’s because I set myself such impossible standards all the time. Do any of you do that? I find I set a goal that is a little too high and then end up beating myself up about not being …[ read more ]
I am so over chocolate!
Hi everyone,Well I am happy to say I am sick to death of chocolate. I think this will only last a day or so but I definitely need a CFD( chocolate free day)! I hope you all have a fabulous Easter. It is quite different in the Southern Hemphisphere as it is autumn not spring …[ read more ]
Heat wave again
Hi everyone,Phew is it hot again! My husband was on the medical response team at the Melbourne Grand Prix over the weekend and the track temperature yesterday was 48 degrees celsius. It was 37-40 in the grand stands so you can imagine how uncomfortable it would have been for both drivers and their teams and …[ read more ]
- Portrait of a “Lady”