November News
Dear Readers,Can you believe how close it is to Christmas? This time of year always flashes past for me. There is always so much to do and so little time to do it. The weather has finally improved in Hobart and I’m enjoying looking at my garden from my office. It is so green and …[ read more ]
October news
Dear Readers,I love the switch to daylight savings time in Tasmania. It lengthens the evenings, meaning we have time to enjoy the garden and walking the dogs a second time each day. I am hoping to get a bit more writing done this month than last month. I am aware of Christmas around the corner …[ read more ]
September News
Dear Readers,Here it is September already! Winter has gone but not the cold weather. We have had some lovely sunny days but it’s not reliably warm just yet. I am working on book number 96. I am keen to get to 100 in the not too distant future. If only writing them was as easy …[ read more ]
August news
Dear Readers,I have been so busy juggling writing with my hectic life that I haven’t posted news for last month. I’m finding this year is racing away from me. I am finally back in the chair writing again after some minor but disruptive renovations were carried out. One of the most disruptive was repainting my …[ read more ]
June news
Dear Readers,Half the year gone already?! The last of the autumn leaves have fallen and winter is here in Tasmania. We’ve already had a couple of dustings of snow on Mount Wellington. This is usually my best writing time, as the colder days drive me indoors to my computer. I am about to start book …[ read more ]