News & Updates

  • So sweet!

    I have decided it is almost impossible to photograph jet-black poodle puppies. When their eyes are closed while they are sleeping and even when they open them they are so black you can’t make out what is what. I need a bigger zoom lens or something. They are now all over a kilogram in weight …[ read more ]

  • Aren’t they adorable?

    Hi everyone,Now isn’t that the cutest little mother you ever did see? Polly is so good with her babies and they are so adorable I can’t believe how I will ever sell any of them. I think it is Perdy that we’re going to keep now. I thought it was Daisy, but Perdy is a …[ read more ]

  • Look how they have grown!

    Happy New Year to you all! Can you believe how much my babies have grown? They are twice and more the size they were when they were born less than two weeks ago. Polly is the best little mother, so loving and protective, but like a lot of mums is finding the work/life/play balance incredibly …[ read more ]

  • They’re here!

    Hi everyone,I am officially a granny. Polly gave birth to three gorgeous puppies on Boxing Day: two girls and a boy- Perdy, Teddy and Daisy. They are adorable. It was a beautiful thing to watch, she is a natural mother. We are loving the experience and I am sure things will get rather busy once …[ read more ]

  • Not many sleeps now

    Hi everyone,Well, it’s not many sleeps now until Christmas and I can just imagine the panic in those households where there are little children and too much excitement. I remember it all so well and miss it a little. It’s going to be a quiet one for us this year for Polly’s sake. A pregnant …[ read more ]