News & Updates

  • February News…

    Dear Readers, I’m pleased to report that I am now back at my desk working again after a long hiatus due to my spinal surgery. It’s certainly nice to be back writing! The joy of writing is one thing, the other is my little writing companions, Teddy and Louis. They keep me constantly entertained and it’s …[ read more ]

  • December News

    Dear Readers, Happy festive season to you all. May your travels be safe, your holidays relaxing and the year ahead fulfilling and enriching. Thank you for your patience as I get back in the writing chair after a tough year. Best wishes, Melanie xx

  • September News

    Dear Readers, Well, I am now in the rehab phase after my fifth back operation. Sometimes I think I chose the wrong career given the nature of my spine. But did I choose my career or did it choose me? I have felt the drive to write since I was a child, so I can’t …[ read more ]

  • July News

    Dear Readers, It’s been a frustrating time for me over the last few weeks as I have been trying to manage an unhappy back. Is this the writer’s curse? Sitting for long periods is not good for any of us, but I’m afraid I have to be in front of the computer to write. I know some …[ read more ]

  • May news

    Dear Readers,I was busily writing my 97th book when my beautiful 12 year old miniature poodle, Lily, became desperately ill with her stage six heart murmur. I have had to say goodbye to a lot of pets in my lifetime but this one was particularly heart wrenching. Lily was a really special dog. Everyone who …[ read more ]