News & Updates

  • Forty Ninth Hero!

    I am writing Book One of my Caffarelli Brothers Trilogy. The three Rs – Raffaele, Raoul and Remy are rakes, rich and ruthless! They are French- Italian men who live life in the fast lane.  It is enormous fun creating the backstory for my characters. It is particularly exciting to craft the women who will …[ read more ]

  • Writing My Way to Fifty Books!

    When I first started writing I had no idea I would one day be thinking about writing my fiftieth book. But now it is within sight I am so excited. Who will the characters be? What will be their names? What will they want? I am looking forward to finding out as I start mapping …[ read more ]

  • RBY Nomination 2012 and writing ahead

    I am so thrilled to receive a RBY Australian Romance Writers of Australia Romantic Book of the Year nomination in the Short/Sexy category for my Presents novel The Wedding Charade. This novel is a particular favourite of mine and is book three of my Sabbatini Trilogy. It is just so exciting to be nominated for …[ read more ]

  • May and the Muse

    I love the approach of winter. I adore cold rainy days -they are perfect for locking myself away in my office with my muse.  Just lately my muse has been very good to me. I think it's the cooler weather, or maybe it's just the stage I'm at on my journey as a writer. I …[ read more ]

  • April Attitude

    What happened to the first three months of this year? Time certainly flies when you're having fun or not.  I am certainly having fun writing my 2012/2013 books. I have a goal set to write my 50th book this year.  I'm working on number 48 right now. I've had to juggle issues with my back …[ read more ]