News & Updates

  • Fabulous News!

    I am so thrilled to announce I have been declared the 2105 winner of the HOLT Medallion Award for At No Man’s Command. I got the phone call while I was conducting a workshop on writing romance. I put the phone on speaker so everyone could share the moment. It was such a wonderful experience. …[ read more ]

  • Exciting news!

    So thrilled to hear I’m a finalist in the 2015 Holt Medallion. A big thank you to the reader judges and all the volunteers who make this such a wonderful contest. I will be giving signed copies of the book via my author page on Facebook.

  • What is happening in May

    Autumn is lovely in Hobart and I always feel a burst of creativity as the colder months approach. I like nothing better than a cold rainy day to be inside my office with my characters. I have just completed Book Two of the Scandalous Ravensdales and I’m currently working on Book Three. This is turning …[ read more ]

  • Book One done!

    Hello everyone, I am excited to announce that Book One of the ravishing Ravensdales is now in production. I haven’t got a title as yet but keep posted. I am now working on Book Two and hope to have the quartet completed by mid-year. I can’t believe Easter is almost upon us. How did the …[ read more ]

  • Kicking off 2015

    Hi everyone, I’ve just had a couple of weeks relaxing ( my version of it anyway!) at our beach house with the dogs. Lots of walking, swimming and reading and eating way too much. I am now back at work on my Ravensdales quartet and I am really excited about the release of my first …[ read more ]