News & Updates

  • August Updates…

    I’m celebrating the 50th anniversary of Harlequin Mills and Boon in Australia this month and doing several interviews, which has been fun.   Interviews: ABC Hobart Drive  Hobart Drive with Lucy Breaden. My interview starts at 1.42 ABC Radio Perth  WA Afternoons with Michael Tetlow ABC Radio Melbourne  Melbourne Drive with Ali Moore ABC New …[ read more ]

  • July Updates…

    Dear Readers,  Well, book 97 is officially done and I’m busily planning a trilogy while I wait for my editor to get back to me with a title. I love writing a series because I get to know the characters really well in the planning process. Not that I have always been a planner when …[ read more ]

  • June News…

    Dear Readers, Book 97 is now revised and getting ready for publication. Now I am thinking about my characters for a new trilogy, which is always a fun process. Putting names to faces, thinking about their backgrounds and backstories and wondering how much to put them through before they finally get their happy ever after. …[ read more ]

  • May News…

    Dear Readers,I am delighted to report that my 97th book is now with my lovely editor in London and I’ll be diving into revisions in the coming week. Only three more to go to reach 100! The life of a writer is often an isolated one but my two little toy poodles make it less …[ read more ]

  • February News…

    Dear Readers, I’m pleased to report that I am now back at my desk working again after a long hiatus due to my spinal surgery. It’s certainly nice to be back writing! The joy of writing is one thing, the other is my little writing companions, Teddy and Louis. They keep me constantly entertained and it’s …[ read more ]